

Eurostat: Hungary is EU’s poorest country – ministry outraged, here’s their answer

Is Hungary the EU's poorest country really? #eu #money #purchasingpower #economy

Hungary helps Chad where PM Orbán’s only son served

200 Hungarian soldiers may go to Chad with Captain Orbán. #chad #hungaryhelps

UK Ambassador to Hungary Paul Fox about King Charles III, Brexit, Ukraine war and many more – Interview

In our interview with Paul Fox, King Charles III's ambassador to Hungary, in which we even talked about his favourite Hungarian dishes. #menu #food #ambassador #paulfox #unitedkingdom #diplomacy

Goverment-close think-tank slammed the von der Leyen-presidency

The European Commission presidency of Ursula von der Leyen has been marked by "a series of failures and dissatisfaction", Századvég said. #századvég #vonderleyen #eu #europeanunion #europeancommission

Orbán cabinet manipulated the biggest corruption trial in Hungary? Here’s the prosecutors’ answer

The prosecutors even had a voice recording concerning the issue. #juditvarga #pétermagyar #tisza #corruption #völner #trial

PM Orbán called Manfred Weber hungarophobic

Manfred Weber, the head of the European People’s Party group in the European Parliament, leads “a pro-war, pro-migration, anti-economy coalition”, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told Hungarian […]

Orbán cabinet: ‘Weber wants to punish Hungary’

Manfred Weber, the leader of the European People's Party (EPP), "wants to punish Hungary", communications director Tamás Menczer said. #manfredweber #epp #menczer

Hungarian minister talks about a new, dangerous industry in Hungary: processing batteries

Márton Nagy said Hungary should examine how players in the battery sector in Hungary could take part in that new, dangerous industry. #battery #economy #government

FM Szijjártó: Budapest Mini Dubai project may start in September

Szijjártó signed important agreements today. #szijjártó #uae #dubai #rákosrendező #budapest #development #realestate

The EU may begin another procedure against Hungary due to overspending

But we are not alone. #eu #europeancommission #vonderleyen #government #deficit #budget

Hungarian diplomat received prestigious award from Polish President Duda

Polish President Andrzej Duda presented the Commander's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland to Orsolya Zsuzsanna Kovács. #poland #diplomacy #award #orderofmerit

New OLAF report: Hungary on top concerning frauds, irregularities

Hungary is third with Italy, and only Romania and Bulgaria precede us. But we are not happy because of that. #romania #italy #olaf #bulgaria #government

Did PM Orbán and opposition leader Péter Magyar meet in Stuttgart earlier today? – UPDATED

Do you think they met there? What coult they have talked about? #magyarpéter #viktorOrbán #tisza #stuttgart #euro2024 #germany

Hungarian defence minister: Let’s make Europe great again!

Hungary is committed to boosting European defence capabilities, Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky said in Berlin. #berlin #germany #europeandefence #defenceminister #europeanunion

New leader of the Hungarian opposition, Péter Magyar, lied about an important matter?

Péter Magyar, the deputy leader and EP list-leading candidate of the Respect and Freedom (Tisza) party, changed his mind. Here are the details. #pétermagyar #tisza #epp #europeanparliament

Magyar: ‘Taking country back’ from government Tisza’s priority

Magyar says Orbán cabinet made Hungary the most corrupt and second poorest member state in the EU:

Filipino guest workers in Hungary may far exceed government claims

According to Manila news agencies, there are more than 16,000 Filipino guest workers in Hungary, which contradicts the foreign minister's claims.

As expected: Hungarian central bank has put on the brakes

Hungarian central bank implements expected slowdown measures:

Hungary quotes Trump in its EU Presidency slogan

"Hungary promises no miracles but brings a chance of change and progress" - Only 12 days left until the start of the Hungary's EU Presidency

Orbán’s opinion has changed, Hungary is ready to support Rutte’s NATO leadership bid

So far Rutte's NATO leadership bid was unacceptable to the Orbán government, now it is fully supported: